Depending on your elder’s personal needs and your relationship, your caregiver responsibilities may vary. Your elder may require specific support such as assistance with preparing meals, transportation, and taking medicine. Other times, if their needs are more extensive, then hiring a professional in-home caregiver may be a better option, especially if you are already spread too thin. If you are considering in-home caregiver support, get in touch with Coastal Home Care to see how we can assist you.
At Coastal Home Care, our in-home caregivers prioritize your elderly loved one’s every need. We understand how challenging life can be as an in-home caregiver, which is why we provide our caregivers with the necessary training to fully support your family needs. Below is what you should expect from a professional in-home caregiver.
Personal Care Support
A caregiver’s responsibility is to personally tend to their assigned elder’s needs. Personal care may consist of bathing, grooming, and getting dressed regularly. In addition to that, an elder may require support with using the restroom, as their mobility is limited. This may include providing balancing support and cleaning themselves after they have used the restroom. Another responsibility may include supporting them as they exercise throughout the day, such as going on a walk or jogging depending on how mobile they are.
Food Preparation
When it comes to preparing an older person’s meals, an in-home caregiver is responsible for doing the grocery shopping, organizing the groceries at home, and cooking. Caregivers will also be in charge of feeding the elder as well as cleaning up afterward, as the elder may have limited mobility.
General Health Care Information
Keeping one’s health in the best condition possible is incredibly important. Elderly individuals may be unable to prioritize their health without proper assistance, especially if they have cognitive disabilities. An in-home caregiver ensures that the elder is taking their medications on time, that they are receiving their refills regularly, and makes sure overdosing does not occur. In addition to these general health care responsibilities, caregivers must keep track of medical appointments, making sure their elder is attending them on a routine basis.
Personal Supervision
It’s not uncommon for older individuals to act out as they age. This is natural and caregivers may need to supervise them on what they should wear, where they should walk, how to find a certain item, and much more.
Emotional Support
Elders are often prone to feeling lonely and a caregiver must be as reliable as possible to them. Your older loved one may need to confide in you and be their companion. It doesn’t take much to listen carefully to what they tell you and it will make a world of a difference, which they will appreciate.
Providing transportation to your elder may be required of you if they are unable to do it themselves. If they have doctor’s appointments or activities they want to take part in, then a caregiver may need to provide transportation as necessary.
As a caregiver, your biggest responsibility is to take note of any changes in your elder’s health and pass on the information to their doctors and vice-versa. Relaying information back to your elder is just as important as it will help you establish trust between you two.
Aging loved ones may not have the strength they need to keep their homes clean and organized, so it is a caregiver’s job to assist with that. You may need to clean the following spaces: bathroom, living room, kitchen, and much more.
Medical Emergencies
When a medical emergency takes place, it can set you into panic-mode but with the right knowledge at your hands, you will be able to remain calm in any given situation. During a medical crisis, the caregiver may need to contact the elder’s relatives as well as take the elder to the hospital for immediate assistance.
Other Caregiving Options
Additional responsibilities of a caregiver also consist of providing additional support when other caregivers are not available. Having a full list of your responsibilities will help you be better prepared, and not to mention, avoiding over-stepping with loved ones or relatives. If you are currently a caregiver and are looking for additional support, contact Coastal Home Care for assistance.
Choose A Compassionate In-Home Caregiver in Worcester County, MD
Deciding to provide support or hire a professional in-home caregiver is a hard decision to make because we know how much your loved one means to you. If you have further questions on in-home caregiving support, get in touch with Coastal Home Care in Worcester County, MD, to learn more. We specialize in Alzheimer’s and Dementia care as well, so no matter what you are looking for, we have the experience you can rely on.
Let’s connect today! Contact our in-home caregivers at (866) 687-7307 to see how we can assist you.